What a pleasant idea, for us wintry folks in N America. Where do most of us sit? In the house.
In the office.
What is the air like?
The placement of the items, what is this like?
The art of Feng Shui is very old, has different proponents, and styles.
Alexandra Shaw is the Black Hat school with some simple modifications.
Alex began her study in 1995, since her certification in the early 2001, her stories she receives are really amazing. These sheets came from the Dollar Store, as did the silk flowers. What a simple way to create a peaceful are to meditate in. Alex's methods are simple using icons containing meaning to increase what is wanted in an area.
Whether it may an increase in business, or a re -newed or new relationship, Alex will make over home or business. She travels widely, helping many. Merrily had a few modifications to make in home and office. You can listen in to the interview to get whole scoop.
If you would like to read some very simple things to improve your living environment, press here...
I lived in a 'divorce' in the late 80's in Albuquerque, NM the couple we bought the home from were getting divorced; we got a great deal on the house as they wanted to sell it fast. Little did we know at the time we would get divorced 2 years latter. The placement of something was not right or it may have been to close to a transformer... would have to check things out. Feng shui would have helped for sure.
I know of some who report their back problems cleared up after 'fixing' the feng shui of their home. This is a powerful method, and one to use. Practicing the art of placement is one of the Tantric arts, along martial arts, flower arraingement, and many others.
The ancients used the art of geomancy - the placement of buildings. The pyrimids, the Glastonburry Chappel, and many other temples, churches were build on special lines in the earth. Today builders are conerned with money develpoing land that should not really be lived on. Feng shui is a great way to mitigate the negative effects of stagnent energy.
What a better way to create some nice meditative space, and inspiring areas.
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