Create perspective
Get away from what you are doing
Give it a break...
Go on a road trip,
Sail around for a few weeks or months
go for a nice hike in the wilderness
do what you need by "Be Prepared"...
the Sanskrit Masters showed us how to develop Master of Focus.
Use this focus to raise higher in consciousness.
They taught Moderation...
the movie "into the Wild" is cinematically beautiful...
great acting, a heart warming story of searching.
But also a lesson in hard hardheadedness, and stubbornness.
The main character has the target - Alaska,
he thinks he's prepared, because he has read about how to survive,
even gotten instructions from a Jerky making master.
But he failed in his farther target because he failed to apprentice under a Master.
Take a lesson from this movie. My friend Meso Fine at discussed the power of
Perseverance and Consistency yesterday on his blog.
Our Character in this movie had these.
He just missed the step of not re-inventing the wheel.
The Sanskrit Master of Yoga who gave every instruction imaginable,
even state where to and where not to, and how to build your Mut or
reclusive home to practice yoga in, "on the instructions of your teacher"
One in particular stands out --don't build your Mut at the base of high cliff
(rocks may fall on you) or on the bank of a river (it may flood) etc.
Practical advise.
OK practical advise: if you have your target clearly established, your plan made, your resources
assembled, this New Moon , now is the time to launch your journey.
If not study under a master and learn something, make some money, save some money, meet people, and build your list of friends and acquaintances; nurture these friends.
Keep this up until you know your own path...
Or take a break if you have no family responsibilities. Be practical, easy way to traverse this planet.
As you practice your meditation - and you get stuck try something different.
Keep the same time of day and maybe go for a walk.
silent walk in nature maybe ..
Synchronize your breathing with your slow steps, perhaps inhale 3 steps - exhale 3 steps.
hear the silence, breath the silence, and view the wonders of Nature around you..
Maybe a sensual meditation:
Gently, ever so softly rub your partners back, stomach or legs, feeling your energy emerge from your fingers and palms 2 - 4 inches inside their body. Take 3 - 5 minutes to rub up the whole spine or leg, keep your focus on your partner...
Have some fun today...
Cheery Day.
Hear you on the show:
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago
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