Wow what can be done with rock hard ice...?
We visited the Chinese Ice carvings exhibit at the Texan resort in
Grapevine, TX - what they can do with ice... wow...
the 16 -18 foot high angel and her wings that stayed in place? - WOW...
I covered the sand paintings of Tibetan monks
beautiful and temporary - just like the sand paintings
of the Hopi. The creation is in the making of them;
the destruction of them is a reminder that time sweeps away all things on planet earth.
Swami Shivananda:
"Time sweeps away..
Kings and Presidents...
Where is Gandaji...
where is Kennedy...
So Be up and doing yoga Sadhana
you will attain
Many of us 'decide' to loose 10, 20 or even 50 #'s for a new years resolution.
how many of us do it?
why not?
Because our words, or will, has no power...
How to get the power?
easy, very simple actually...
Do you want to know the secrete?
OK, you can spend a life time at a Masters feet to get this...
or many ...
You could spend $5000 or more at Tony Robbins workshop ...
to get this...
or more...
Are you willing to pay the price?
OK, do what you say you will do.
If you say you will be at a place 10 minutes early - be there...
no excuses or accidents or weather stopping you...
If you will always do what you say...
your words will have power.
You will ~will have power.
You have the power now~
how will you use it? or loose it?
now that you know... there can be no more victims only creators.
And as a creator - you are now in control of your destiny...
can things stop you ? yes they can - - if you let them stop you.
So like an Olympic Ice skater
- if you should fall down - get up and keep going...
Where will you be if you keep trying and fail a 1000 times like Col Sanders?
Where you be if you don't try...
Take a look at the yesterdays post from 8 Beams if a slumdog can you can...
If ~ you just have to want to...
So if you want to have a great year...
& if you don't want to - have more of the same -
you are the years creator...
I toast your creative abilities....
Focus practice: try the gazing at a light switch on the other side of a 20 foot room.
slowly walk over to it without loosing focus on the item ( could be a flower or anything)
keep you mind & ideas on it. If it wavers,
start again,
and again...
well and over and over until
your mind will just rest with focus on the light switch...
The real test here is to have a list of things in your plan to do daily.
and do at least one more than you think you can do...
little steps you will loose the weight, stop the smoking, etc.
but if you goal includes eating right for life... then you can merrily keep going.
if you stop the smoking then what?
if this is just another step in you plan - wow you know you are on the way...
Keep sailing,
keep the colored sands flowing, the ice carving...
you grand creator you...
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago
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