Saturday, January 31, 2009

In Review...

Mercury goes direct today
 ~ I had a good review -- did you?

I redid many pages of the web site, reorganized the overall plan, and played with new header designs.  This entailed a few online classes to get it all straight.

Made some adjustments in my relationships to bring them more in harmony with my inner growth.

This was quite a lot actually for Mercury retrograde. We had a lot of movement in the planets as well - Jupiter - my ruler, went into My Sun Sign - Aquarius. You can read all about this and what it may mean for you too.

Meditation puts pressure on the junk that may have been swept under the psychic carpet.  Like a clean stream -- when stirred brings up lots of 'stuff', then the flowing water washes it away -- clean again-- stir some more-- repeat.

Another view of this is that the mind calmed an focused by meditation is like a laser beam of light, which when focused on a subject illuminates it in holographic detail. This Holistic view of our selves takes immense honesty, and courage, as this divine inner light  cuts through all the societal programming in what is by nature true to the individual soul taking this journey into themselves.

So, the moral is if you don't want to know - don't ask - or if you do want to know and ask - be patient for the answer -- it is not like the lie of an aspirin or alka-seltzer commercial-- it takes the time it takes.

Actually in mediation you access a timeless state of being for ideas and creation of visions, dreams and goals - are timeless.  You may have been working on a particular vision or dream for billions of years - but to an immortal self - just another day in the garden.  From this point of view centuries are like minutes are to us. Time is beyond our comprehension.

Ask if you have the guts and you really want to know.

Mercury retrograde for me acts like a check on my shoe laces -- I retake the time to make sure they are tied -- if not I retie them or maybe take 'time' for new pair of shoes.

Lets move ahead.
Hoping your meditation laser is on-- working -- useful...

Cheery Day

Friday, January 30, 2009

Give to Receive...

This one of the Foundations of most religions, and moral systems.
It is most important to day with Moon in Pieces ,
and by chance(?) it the 5 day of the Chinese New Year - to stay in an greet your wealth.

Give? today one needs to Give a gift to others - just to listen, to forget their own position & circumstances, and give the gift of 'presence' of focus to another. Let them talk, you only listen.
Or talk enough to ask appropriate questions to show your interest, concern, and understanding of what they have said. Let them feel your presence - your gift to them.

Most of us want to talk out our stand points, our problems, our troubles... not today - best is never... but not today. When we truly drop our troubles by developing sincere interest in another, magic happens inside of us. We gain an inner glow and inner feeling we cannot get any other way.

So give this gift today - keep your mouth shut. and :
you will receive ! how can you receive when you are too busy pouring out our guts you are off in some other time and place and not present.
Act in the Present - is anyone threatening your life right now? Probably not-- so don't act like it or complain like it. Most of time in the Present 'Here an now' it is peaceful, pleasant and comfortable - so act like it is...
talk like it is
be thankful it is...
if it isn't get out of the house on fire
call 911
use your first aid course to advantage
take the appropriate action in the here and now...

so today give of you ears but don't be taken off you course.
You have the right to your life.

Others will try to steal your attention in a million ways.
The want you to listen to their troubles - but just to bitch - not to do anything about getting ahead - run away from them.
TV with adds, turn it off...

The moral is KIV - do your duty - fill you spot - do your job - and let others do theirs.
The coffee bar in the office is not the place to get work done.
The golf game can wait til you are on the 'T'
The kids will be there when you get home.
on and on we like to waste time as - it is our habit-
can we create a better habit - you decide.

Take your time to help those who are helping themselves.
here's a great article I posted out taking your positive position in the world.

Cheery Day
be you - the real you

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Moon in Pisces...

Smile more and give more room to others. Be more tolerant and more forgiving today and Friday.
The Moon travels with the Fish, in this watery world things are less clear and emotions tend to be on edge ~ people a little more sensitive. So good days just others be themselves, you honor them, by listening - but especially if anyway you can - keep your feelings to yourself.

Best today if you can be the counselor, the therapist, use your ears and not your mouth. This will take lots of Vigilance, as may will want to share their own feeling, hurts etc., etc., let them - be detached.

Meditate today on your dreams - and on your 'feelings' you inner knowing... Tap into the inner creative 'you'

Cheery Day...
Smiles a little more today...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And all my relatives...

This 3rd day of the Chinese new year as Meso Fine reports, is to honor the in-laws.
My way, I picked up living for 17 years in the New Mexico Mountains of the Santa Fe area, is to honor all my relatives...

A wonderful Indian Medicine man living in Bernalillo, the town just north of Albuquerque, finished all of his meditations and healing ceremonies and sweat lodge prayers with this phrase blessing all his relatives:
'And all my relatives" he mean,t and frequently stated, the no legged, the mutlti- legged, the 2 legged, and the 4 legged. I took this to mean all the creatures that lived in the area of his home: snakes, insects, spiders, millipedes, birds, humans- friends & relatives, cows - deer - antelope - bear - etc., etc.,

So today I am investing so time remembering with thankfulness all of the creatures that live around me.
Even the Armadillo - I still want to see him, running live. I know he's there, by friends reports.
but I just haven't seen him as yet. Not yet today either as the ice in Dallas even has the blue & yellow pansies with Ice hats - the sun is helping them raise their heads...

Blessing to you on this day - and to Dallas, the USA, the planet,

"All my relatives"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year Celebration - one peice at a time...

I connected yesterday with the 'allness' or oneness of the Universe, with the Tesla Lights.
I realize today this the appropriate way to celebrate day 1 of 15 of the Chinese New Year.

See my friends blog - 8 Beams for the description of the these 15 days. Today seems to be a grand time to meditate on the animals - dogs in particular. Can you meditate on your dog?

Try it and see. My English Pointer named 'Luke lap walker' loved to run off into the Santa Fe mountains as I lay in my hammock meditating - or sometimes just sleeping. When I was ready to go - I whistle and yell my head off. no dog. no Luke.
the first time I spent about 45 minutes and gave up. I surrendered and said look ( in silent inner meditation) I have to go now. God bless you on your path, if you want to go with me, you need to be at the car now.

I walked over to the car -about 4 minutes away, and Luke joined me.
I really was thankful that we could communicate - especially in the heart center.
Luke and I danced together for 5 years. He would wake me up by his whining in the middle of the night to get outside, until I learned he didn't do this when I was on a trip. So I got ear plugs.

He loved to run along side my tan small cab Toyota pickup truck for about 3 miles at 25 miles an hour. - What a dog...
This was in Santa Fe - where there are plenty of cactus types there too. The only ones that would bother him -and me having to pull them out of his paws was the Cholla or jumping cholla, beautiful flowers, horribly grabbing crossing barbs...

I honor my wonderful friend Luke... on this 2nd day of the Chinese New Year.
pic credit

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Moon dark skies....

Did you get a look at the eclipse? Not here in Dallas...
The winter skies are covered with dark rain clouds forecasted to drop rain, freezing rain and drizzle.

It feels a little different all around the last couple of days.
Meditation was earlier - I was up at 3:30 am to meditate for a while as sleep left.

new moons usually bring a feeling of quiet in in drawing for me. Today I spent 4 hours with my friend from Denver - Aeron Goldheart. We were making a video interview of the Tesla energy lights at the Synergy medical center in Irving. I got to lay on a massage table and with two of these beautiful lights a male energy one at my head and female one on my feet.

I got a wonderfully deep meditation for only 10 minutes - but wow! such a deep one... in such a short time...

look for the video interview in about week on the

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Natural vs White...

We know about wholewheat, brown rice, sugar cane - not the white versions for health...
(of course we neglect them around the holidays because our memories and habits take over
and chomp... ) My Buddie comments on no white for health on his blog...

I heard this interesting story yesterday at my sweeties sisters birthday Chinese food dinner ~

This is comparison of the Native American Chief being asked:

Chief you are old and have seen many changes in your life time.
What are the differences that the White man has brought to your way of life?

Well the old man thought for a long time with his head forward, thinking...
The interviewer finally asked if he were OK and needed anything - maybe some water?
The old chief sighed, raised his head and signaling with his hand he wanted nothing he offered his observations:

We used to live a simple life. The women did all of the work; the men hunted and fished all day.
They came home and ate good food; afterwords they sat around the fire, smoked, told stories and then retired to make love all night.

he didn' t need to comment on the life style the Whities have brought...

Happy new moon...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Solar Ecipse - New Moon - Monday

This New Moon will be an 'annular' eclipse - there are more of these than total eclipse- over the Indian Ocean on Monday - we will see only a bite out the sun - like a little out of an Oreo cookie.
pic credits:

How to see this sun? simple
Put a pin hole in a post card.
Hold a blank sheet of white paper - say 8 1/2 x 11 - about 1 - 3 feet away from the pin holed post card - or larger stiff paper thingy...

You will see the sun, with a bit of it missing.

This really is the only safe way to view the sun. Sunglasses are not enough protection. One can purchase special glasses - but it's a bit late to get them unless your local telescope store carries them - mail order takes longer than the weekend.

Want to know what these eclipses mean? Check out the '2009 Predictions'

To meditate on this if you wish to do so: just use your imagination and feel and listen to world around you - you are outside right? All of nature feels these - plants, animals, - why not humans? Well we do - we have been trained to ignore our sensations, feelings, intuitions.

We were looked at as little babies - ignorant and helpless - needing education and protecting - what rotten programing - We are all knowing - immortal beings. Maybe we forgot how to walk in a body and need a little help with it.... just like getting used to new car.

I rant; better to Chant
I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am , I am that I am....

Friday, January 23, 2009


I see that Sparkle heart Pulled his back yesterday- boy don't you hate that?
Well I have recently made a useful discovery for myself:
tennis balls - 2 of them - just lay on them...

put under the painful part of your back - on or near the point of pain for about
90 seconds to 3 or 4 minutes.

lay on them with your legs bent feet on floor, so you can roll your back over the balls a bit with your leg movement; to get them just in the right spot - one ball one each side of the spine.

Tell yourself to 'relax, relax, relax' focus on the area and gently repeat 'relax, relax, relax'
you feel it when it relaxes - I find it very subtle in the release but it does. Then I feel better.

This is meditating or Focusing on the Pain - it is moving into the Pain - most try to move away from the pain - pain killers - why not just eliminate it?

Try it - great meditation when then is stuff to release...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something in the way she moves...

attracts me like no ....
you know the Beatles song...

what is that attracts you?
food? Flowers? body parts? the way he/she moves? the twinkle in the eye?
grab it ! (inside your head that is)

if it is of a natural attraction to you, use it for a meditation subject.

When better thing to do that to meditate on chocolate -
the fragrance,
the texture,
the color,
the taste?
Try all of these in your mind... see how long you can keep your attention on it.
This will help you to increase our focus.

Then use your will power.  Take some thing you don't care for much -say Taxes...
see how long you can focus on this...
gently keep bringing your mind back to where it needs to be on the taxes...

then switch back to focus on the things you like...
say you do 5 minutes easily, OK do 5 minutes each then you can work up daily to what ever time you want to put into the practice...

Want to expand your mind a bit more?
Stretch your thinking limits...
go check out our latest article on a iPod like golden mirror box
found deep underground in a little fireproof box like a time capsule...
the story will stretch your mind...
& give something more to meditate on...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


To our new Leader of a country full of people who want change...
the first step was long: Obama took that step..

The next steps are longer ~ we will all have to do our part(s)
to help bring us back into alignment with honorable ways...

A simple stoppage of the aides epidemic is possible
will they listen or will big biz try to squash it?
and on and on and on...

so lets keep our heads, keep healthy;
and be the best karma yogis in our area of work.

I like what Obama said yesterday at the work center
- 'Be the best broom person there is"  - Karma Yogi...

Happier Days? We sure are working towards them...
wear hip boots... KIV

Monday, January 19, 2009

Blue Skys...

The Solar wind is upon us. The Auroral oval is over most of the Northern Hemisphere.
You may be able to see the Aurora dancing over your head, as the sun's light drifts off or arrives.

Saturday the sky turned blue from a meteoroid of unknown size hitting  the atmosphere  in the dark eve.
The explosion was reported to be as bright as the full moon.

Once in a blue moon ? do you know this expression? and what it means? It means the 13 full moon of the year.
so it means once a year - but when? It changes constantly as it moves it what seems a chaotic manner.

The blue planet -Pluto has been declared a non planet...but I can tell you it affects me most powerfully.

Where does that leave us?

Friday morning I was getting my hair cut at Michael Motorcycles Hair Salon - Dallas, TX and had the feeling he was moving...
When I got there all were out, he arrived with his Friend and artist 'Elle" after carrying a lot of Tibetan sound bowels  to his car and informed me of the impending move.  The Dance of Fire. Shiva (Nataraja) dances in the circle of the flames of creation. first comes destruction, then the renewal the rebuilding.

There is change all around us; the universe is in constant movement; creation - maintaining - dissolution - creation again.
One romance , live ends, another begins: Samsara 
(Sanskrit: संसार ) the wheel of life and death of the Buddhists and Hindus. Not just the realm of the believers in reincarnation.

We see this all around us - we in the throws of a freezing winter the 'death' part of the natural cycle. Soon Spring comes - buds are already in full bloom - the delight of the hungry bees on some trees here is Dallas, even temps are in the low 30's.
maintenance will come in the summer, then fall and it all starts over again.

so How are you recreating your Dream? your target? maybe you are adjusting your plan. The people you work & live with.
The country is having to adjust it economic plan with a new President.  Weird how the celebration comes on Martin Luther Kings Birthday... Is the dream really here? or is the destruction final?  The whole world seems in chaos ~
if you watch the news. the celbration is only one part of the cycle- they set up for it, held concets for it, it will be, it will have to be cleaned up after. Chaos? ...

It is just another solar storm hitting us.
Many have come before, many will come again; just as the tides rise and fall - some are higher than others.

Tiered of all of this ?

The old yogis wondered what was real... they decided this - that which does not change is real...
The departing monk in spirit form in the last monastery scenes of Little Buddha carry a form of the message.

Beyond the ability of the mind to reason, the emotions to feel, is the observer - you may find yourself, at times in meditation, or watching the bees sip the nectar of spring flowering trees.

The act of creation is the spark of life in action, so is destruction but we arrest people for doing that today. We can't legally even burn our own dead or feed them to the birds and the sky burial of some Native Americans.
Did you see the movie Thunderheart?  A wonderful movie of learning to trust that which is with in you...

who sees the Blue Skies? Who is the one who cares? The one who listens or ignores?
Is it body bound? Or timeless...

Wake up, or sleep and dance...

'I am neither mind nor body
Immortal self I AM,
I am witness of 3 states...
Knowledge absolute'

want the tune?

sing these in your mind as you meditate on them
then sink into the silence - here the silence, tast the silence,
silence is Truth
Silence is peace
It is the Peace that pasthe all understanding...


Then you will be like Blue Shies - observing all the cycles below.
water on a lotus leaf
in the world but not of the world...
a Karma yogi...

My our leaders be such yogis...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Pain glow...

A friend has had pain in her healing ear for over a year - maybe the 10 years she has had the situation- after cancer.

Though healing nicely with knowledgeable help and less pain...
Pain was the motivator to find a better solution:

In meditation she asked for one...
'What will this look like when it is healed?"
the answer came in the form of a picture of the ear being scabbed over...

So she interpreted this to mean she should leave off the bandage while she sleeps and as often during the day as practical..

Now the pain is much less and there is mild scabbing taking place...

Your body knows.
Your higher Self Knows.
You just have to knock
and it shall be answered...

Cheery Day

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I love to snorkel ~ not much on scuba; scared of big fish I can't see like ... groupers...
silly thing but that's the way it is...
"A man's got to know his limitations..." Dirty Harry...

So I snorkel - absolutely love it; floating around head in the surf; bobbing up & down with the waves; even the 7 foot barracuda under the sail boat don't bother me; the multi colored see snakes don't either. I can dive down, holding my breath and the come back up. Multi-colored fish just thrill me.

In a conversation I love to snorkel as well - just float along the top - observing it all. If some one is in emotional stuff or is bothered by something... I just dive down to get near their level, talk a while and we go up to the sunny surface together.

Well if some is angry over a pet peeve triggered by a news announcement on TV. I can go dive in and say yea those jerks - jeez... etc. matching their tone and voice quality. I am swimming with them at their depth.

Then I can interject a little higher mood, or say something down their that puts more truth into the situation.
OK, lets see how this goes:
a commercial peeve of mine is "take this med- it can kill you and have your gonads drop off, and... but just go to your Dr and tell him you want it anyway..."

These really get my goat... Can you imagine me telling off the TV? it is pretty funny...
Then someone in the room says to me - the upset one...
~a~ shut up I am trying to listen...
~b~ you but head - these guys saved my grandmother - you don't know anything
~c~ ridiculous isn't it? How can these guys make a living from creating an add like that?

??? What do you think which one raises the mood a little?

- right a & b are put downs _ how many times do I catch myself doing this method? - yikes...
not much help is it - but it makes us feel better right? (more truth interjected here - you'll fill in the rest) When its done to me I feel about 2 inches tall or ready to spit lava...

c ~aligns with the person, shows respect and concern for their feelings, puts in a bit more of Truth and the mood will raise up... ( I feel much better when someone pulls this on me)

many ways to do this - great comedians like 'Noah!' are masters of getting us to laugh at our silliness and that truth - accepted by us will raise of consciousness.

some times - because it is so far down there Dirty Hairy has to be called in just to get the attention.
I like what LA is doing now. Having the courts be able to grab the proven gang leaders assets not just the ones that were proved stolen... A big step up from the biz end of Dirty Harry's 44 mag...

Meditate on the sound of the air passing in and out 0f the snorkel; float in the gentle surf; gaze at the magic of creation in the multi-colored fish...

my chanting talk may be of interest.

Cheery Day.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Be open...

when you decide you want something, keeping very clear in mind, heart, & feelings...
then you ask the universe for it... and let it go... you don't even think about it anymore...

Then big U can go to work in all the mysterious magical ways it does... and one day...
there it is waiting for you at the door,
or in your mail box,
or you just got introduced by a friend...
or any number of ways that magic happens...

Your part in this is you have to keep your self open to receiving the item, help, friend, lover, partner, or what ever you have for.

ie you may be in a argument with a friend, then they introduce you to their friend. But because you in the argument and not 'present' but stuck in the topic of the argument - you may miss the friend.

The Big U did it's part. You have to do yours. You have to show up to claim the lottery ticket.
Just because you won doesn't mean that Publisher's Clearing House is going to know on your door, track you down, and hand you a check... You still have to open to receive ... what it is you ask for... or the Big U will give it to someone else...

No loss on their part - you just lost out because you were not here 'NOW'
KIV is both a science and art. it is not easy, yet is it simple.

Develop more presence and be here now. Then little things like arguments, hey let the other guy be more 'right', will roll off you.

Cheery Day...

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Huna? yes means the secrete...
Kahuna means the keeper of the secret...
you know now what the secret is - but do you know how to use it?

HUmmm or OOOOMMMMM....
OK, this interview with Donna Matus is eye opening is the sense that we can actually learn to tap into our greater selves and have more success, easier than we may imagine.

Imagination sure plays an important part.
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe" is very possible as the old saying goes.

The wright brothers took that seriously, as did Leonardo and the Atlantians 20 millenniums ago...
and the UFO creators all know this is true.

I have sat in messages from Ship crews that say they navigate by all of them holding the destination in thought word and deed until they arrive at the desired location.
How can a human do that - well we can

Focus is primary - gently strive for it daily...

take 10 and meditate on your favorite flower, candle, partner, tonight... before bed,
then visualize your target, feeling as if it has already arrived...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some simple & powerful exercises...

Is one of your new year targets to exercise more?

do you have 10 minutes to spend getting healthy?
Live longer? Feel better?

Well my friend has perfected and teaches a much simpler
form of yoga, called many things -
Tibetan Yoga seems to stick

listen and watch her give you idea of just how easy this
can be...

Monday, January 12, 2009


This moon was very special as you can see in yesterdays picture - very rare site...
How did your meditations go?

I have found that sometimes the energy keeps on going - this one has...
if you would like to see the effect of the moon eclipses for the following year.

do listen to '2009 Predictions'
and listen to mine if you would like some more info on how to face a major epidemic...

Cheery day...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Merc Retro again?...OMG

don't fret, today is the day,
see my friend Meso Fine's blog on
How to thrive during Mercury retrograde these 5 weeks with style & class. See '2009 Predictions' for the years retrogrades.

Did you see the Full moon in Dallas, TX last eve? OMG what a spectacle.
Have you seen a moon dog? A paraselene is its scientific name.
This one took up 1/3 of the whole sky -it seemed. Ours was a clear full moon in the middle.
the symbol of consciousness
the eye of God

How are the meditations going? What have you felt, seen - any insights?
do let me know...

Meditate tonight as well. Did any one get a photo last night? they are rear - I will post it if you did.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

T Bone...

That might get your attention :-)

well T Boone Pickens does have a Plan
one good one too as far I can tell

We had a power outage here last week for over  7 hours and it was getting cold for Dallas, but around midnight the lights came back on.

We heat with electricity - water and air.
we had neither for the 7 hours

and it got me thinking about how we have our power all tied up with sending our money we need for capital here in the USA to the other oil countries.

Boone's plan is simple just generate it here, use our resources (natural gas) as well - on the road.

This will also create a ton of jobs - a whole lot better than the news is lately.

Click the pic listen to his interview...or rather watch it.....
meditate on the subject of 'supply' today
just sit or lay or ... still; think of the energy of Universe flowing into you;
pay attention to any visions you may see. Journal them..

Cheery Day..

Friday, January 9, 2009

Full Moon in Cancer...

This will be the last full moon of the year ~by the Chinese Calendar
Then new Year will be on the new Moon of Jan 26 and will go into the year of the OX.

Moon in cancer is wonderful to tap into our subtle intuitions of things important to us...

If you work with dreams you may wish to ask for clarification in a certain area of your life...
keep a note book and pen near by so when you wake up from the dream you can write your impressions...

Tonight Saturday even Sunday will be good evenings to meditate on the Full Moon.
If you can do all three: do note the differences in feelings and intuitions. 

Full moon gazing is fine, I prefer on this watery moon to just close my eyes and 'feel'
the energies and then open my inner ears and really listen to God, the Universe, the Great Spirit ~ your source...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Size Matters....

Have you ever wondered how big your body is?
how big our planet is?

This is a really great comparison of physical size.

OK but how big do you feel?
-You know, when you passed the big test - how big did you feel?
Was there a time you lost a good friend or were really sad?
how big did you feel then? smaller - I bet...

So when meditating, try meditating on size..
ask your self how big do I feel now -?
body size? more or Less?

get to at least room size.. or house size or block size...

I have been bigger than this galaxy before,

It is amazing how your attitude changes...

Smile a little...
Walk taller today...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the Red Path...

I am not qualified
to really advise anyone on this Path
as I haven't walked it this life time.
I have lived with an Native American medicine woman
for 8 years and I understand her ways...She did not use drugs...
I have people who use drugs namely -they think marijuana to be harmless -
so I feel the need to write my views, observations, conclusions.

Simple No Drugs...
Swami Shivananda was a medical man before he left society
to live as a monk and seek out liberation.

He published a periodical on home medicine that included herbs
mainly kitchen herbs like garlic, turmeric, ginger root etc., etc,
colored water charged with sunlight, hygiene, sunlight...
Simple things. but not drugs...

I won't even take aspirin ~ but I did take ibuprofen when I had a tooth extracted for about a week. I use Arnica cream on sore knees and in two days -wow...pain gone. Homeopathic, and cell salts, and herbs. Hydrotherapy the cold - hot water alternation - wonderful...
view all these on click on the articles tab.

Marijuana maybe dying in bed with cancer to relieve the pain..
but i see this as too little too late.
on my radio show you can find links and my interview on getting rid of cancer, before it becomes clinical, after words, during chemo and ...
you don't need Marijuana - but you may be addicted to its mental numbness it brings on...

It is like a cell phone while driving for those who use it and think it has no harm. A lady laughing on the cell phone in front of Kroger's cross walk with two other cars coming at her stopped, ran right on by 2 senior ladies and me trying to cross the cross walk yield area to get to our cars.

I see many on cells in cars that are like robots just following the car ahead,
some at correct distance some not, some slower than traffic, but...all of 'em can't drive as effectively as they do when they focus on driving...

My personal advise is:
drink and stay alive at home or in a cab,
cell phones on the side of the road only,
drugs and stay in the woods...

Why? I have wonderful seerer friends of many paths...
they all have mentioned that even the lowly marijuana smoke
puts black holes into your aura.; easy for critters to get into...

Red Path if you choose to do peyote buttons for enlightenment do it with a qualified medicine man in the lodge or Kiva, or vision quest in the woods.
Not on the streets.
Dallas now has passed no cell phones in school zones.

Focus is effective life.
Drugs may heal....
Drugs can kill... your consciousness.

If life is for focus -why use a drug to cover up the underlying problem.
This is similar to busting the 'check engine light' if it comes on because you can't the time or money to get it fixed.

Altered states of mind through sex, a great night out, etc., etc. are sought after to be replicated.
Please try to get sober and clear headed, you can do it.
no short cuts..

Hey there is also nothing 'wrong' with being an addict say even to heroin.
I believe one can waist say 100 or 1000 life times this way. But at some point even Johnny Cash came to conclusion there must be something more than this. I wish Jim Morrison had this attitude ~ I really miss the old doors music.

To find the powers that we all do have latent with in us like, ability to create Peace around us. Stop scorpion and snake bites 'on' the skin, even float in the air like Milarepa did to sleep - (cheaper than the sleep # bed)
and more...

leave drugs in the gutter...
Or go find A Yaquis medicine man, to walk the Red Path...
Drugs are a valid path from the many forms of yoga -
I and the masters know this.
so is gaining the control over the elemental beings and commanding them
to do your bidding - like conquer your enemy etc.
but Swami Shivananda did not care for this path.
He didn't even eat fish...

a great British Captain came to fish one day in Ganges near the Ashram in Rishikesh.
Master sent a messenger to please gently inform the Captain that It was his wish that these fish not be caught as were considered Holy. Captain please go upstream to fish... so he did... caught nothing...
On his way back through the Ashram he asked for the messenger
to deliver his message to Master Shivananda:
"I see your Master's wishes are more powerful than my Commands"

My advise is not use drugs for recreational use, nor consciousness use.
And if you are already a master not to use them...
as you set the example for others to follow - who only mimic like a parrot.
not to study as you did.

Shiva could drink the poison – but can you?

Can your followers?


Monday, January 5, 2009

Little Spider ~ Big Teeth...

Brown Recluse spider bites are no joke...

The yogi I studied under had acquired the mantra to stop poison snake bites, by tying his dhoti in a knot.
then chanting the mantra to take out the sting and poison of the bite, saving the patient and he cannot charge for this service....
This also worked on scorpion bites, as he slept under a stone temple in area about 6 feet by, 3 feet and 4 feet deep - all hand hew gray rock, and full of the 6 legged tail stingers... He needed this mastery over this mantra..
I am not sure they have brown recluse spiders in India - but they have other little nasty ones, this mantra works on them too, I would be sure. If you had the power.

But how many of us have taken the time to master this ability?
In meditation one can see the diseased areas healed,
ask for an area to be healed - and it will so...
Even Holistic Doctors have patients who meditate while under Chemo then they have diminished or no side effects at all...
The Mind is powerful ~ don't believe this ~You have the power and the universe will follow your focus - You have the power. You are more than the mind - it only mimics you...

If you can do these things ~ great.
Practice if you want to develop these abilities.
while you are practicing:

If you haven't mastered them as yet you may want to check out
the Brown Recluse Spider First Aid kit to have around it is all herbal...
and there are 15 'glue' traps are under $10 available as well.
I'm not selling these just telling about these on my
Holistic Radio Show just click on the B R Spider first aid kit picture...

Safe New Year ! to create your new life...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

OM, Burrrrrrrrerrrr....

meditate on the cold?
OMG why?
some of you like it that way...
riding up a ski lift freezing your legs off... :-)

my hat if off to you in the NE who were without power for so many days...
it is cold up there!

I drove to work this morning, it was 40 deg. on my Camry dash
and I could put my hands on the steering wheel w/o gloves..

Big deal -right?
When I had to help build a log cabin in the Laurentian woods one winter,
we were swinging axes at 32 degrees with our shirts off.
It was a lot warmer 72 deg actually warmer than a few days before at
40 below 0 Fahrenheit; where the manual transmission is locked in place by frozen crankcase oil...
(I ran back inside the kitchen...mumbling about the Yogis who live in the Himalayas with only underwear on in the winter... hot tea was good - going to town, had to wait)

But it was 80 deg the day before; living Santa Fe where 75 is hot summer day... I hated driving to Dallas...
but we get used to 90's even 100's
& I tell you when the steering wheel is first 40 deg
I need gloves...

So it was interesting to note that I didn't today...

There was a navy seal trainer on a TV show sitting in an ice water tank.
OOPPSS, back up - first under stop watch, he ran a short obstacle course, and had to fire a pistol at one of 3 targets - 1 of was the 'enemy'. He did great...

then he was sat in a pool of ice water; ice added every 20 minutes or so...
most men would pass out after a short time...
he stayed in there for 60 minutes!

Then scored the same on the obstacle course with in just seconds of his first baseline time trials....

His core body temp never dropped below 95...

Through meditation, and practiced conditioning in Navy Seal training in the cold ocean, he was able to control the automatic muscle shaking that happens to the rest of us to keep us warm...
This is what dolphins can do is to regulate their use of oxygen, and control body temp in vital organs, to dive deeply.

The movie 'Blue' is about deep free divers who can do the same...

Meditation is powerful.
your companion self is awesome...

You have the power !
how will you use it?

you may like to listen the Psychologists interview on tapping your creativity...

Next time you are cold or your electricity is out - get out of there
get to a warm place now.....

after that ~ if you like ~ and are cold ... relax and imagine your inner heater coming on inside you...

or go train as a Navy Seal.....

Happy New Year...unleash your inner power...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Best Friends...

I am going to rest my brain,
do the minimum today
go play

but I will do just a bit more than I have too..
then I can
train my life partner - my companion self~
the need for discipline...

Actually mine has a name - Does yours?

You can play a game with your companion self

get a pendulum ask it how to say NO
how to say YES

let it swing and play...
Then when you have it down, practice a bit more...
then ask your companion self
want to play game?

it may take a while - even days - as they are used to listening to your mind chatter - but it is empty bullets.
you don't mean what you say
I want a cholate bar
i want a million dollars
that lady's body is hot...

etc ...

so when you say Hi there wanna play It may just busy pumping blood,
digesting food, healing your body - or trying too - it could use your help on this one....just quit putting diesel fuel when it needs veggies etc...

When you do get an answer by pendulum...
The fun can begin...
you can ask anything but start simple.

Have a friend place a small object in a little box, then ask if your companion self would like to play what's inside the box...

if you get a yes
dowse over the box
ask questions
like is it jewelery?
yes - is it a ring? a pendant? etc..

have fun
get to know each other.

I have a friend who is so good at it he can drive blindfolded in busy city.
want to locate someone?
do it by pendulum or by feel of direction....

this is meditation itself of listening to your inner guidance, your life partner, your companion self...

Play day...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hard Ice...

Wow what can be done with rock hard ice...?
We visited the Chinese Ice carvings exhibit at the Texan resort in
Grapevine, TX - what they can do with ice... wow...
the 16 -18 foot high angel and her wings that stayed in place? - WOW...

I covered the sand paintings of Tibetan monks
beautiful and temporary - just like the sand paintings
of the Hopi. The creation is in the making of them;
the destruction of them is a reminder that time sweeps away all things on planet earth.
Swami Shivananda:
"Time sweeps away..
Kings and Presidents...
Where is Gandaji...
where is Kennedy...

So Be up and doing yoga Sadhana
you will attain

Many of us 'decide' to loose 10, 20 or even 50 #'s for a new years resolution.
how many of us do it?
why not?

Because our words, or will, has no power...
How to get the power?
easy, very simple actually...
Do you want to know the secrete?

OK, you can spend a life time at a Masters feet to get this...
or many ...
You could spend $5000 or more at Tony Robbins workshop ...
to get this...
or more...

Are you willing to pay the price?
OK, do what you say you will do.

If you say you will be at a place 10 minutes early - be there...
no excuses or accidents or weather stopping you...

If you will always do what you say...
your words will have power.

You will ~will have power.
You have the power now~
how will you use it? or loose it?

now that you know... there can be no more victims only creators.
And as a creator - you are now in control of your destiny...

can things stop you ? yes they can - - if you let them stop you.

So like an Olympic Ice skater
- if you should fall down - get up and keep going...

Where will you be if you keep trying and fail a 1000 times like Col Sanders?
Where you be if you don't try...

Take a look at the yesterdays post from 8 Beams if a slumdog can you can...
If ~ you just have to want to...

So if you want to have a great year...
& if you don't want to - have more of the same -
you are the years creator...

I toast your creative abilities....

Focus practice: try the gazing at a light switch on the other side of a 20 foot room.
slowly walk over to it without loosing focus on the item ( could be a flower or anything)
keep you mind & ideas on it. If it wavers,
start again,
and again...
well and over and over until
your mind will just rest with focus on the light switch...

The real test here is to have a list of things in your plan to do daily.
and do at least one more than you think you can do...

little steps you will loose the weight, stop the smoking, etc.
but if you goal includes eating right for life... then you can merrily keep going.
if you stop the smoking then what?
if this is just another step in you plan - wow you know you are on the way...

Keep sailing,
keep the colored sands flowing, the ice carving...
you grand creator you...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Missed it by that much...

Thanks Maxwell, I did too...

Did you catch a glimps of the moon with Venus last eve?
pretty nice.
But missed it with my camera - it isn't working well - I was out
-I forgot to grab it in my preparations for dinner with friends...
Though it was and is a high priority to get you a pic of it...
I must say I didn't KIV in time...

Timing is everything someone said...I agree
a simple 'I am sorry' spoken in time ~ can keep one from doing time...
and has done just that.

I see that yahoo them selves cheeted on a picture of the moon +Venus too
they used a shot from last months new moon with Venus + jupiter...
I guess they forgot their camera as well.

so like Maxwell Smarts famous line...
in spite of it he gets the girl, along with his Target too...

So in this New Year may you get yours 2 or 200 or
jee maybe 2009

have you listened as yet? '2009 Predictions'

Try this meditate on the losses you have experienced and project them into the future...? What ? Positive thinking - what are you saying?

Is this what the movie Scrooged did? ( and allthe rest like it based on the Christmas Carole)

Yes see the effect of your missing out on saying what you could at the right time...
like the last I love...missed or...
not getting the gift you could have easily...
or said I'm sorry...

put it out there feel the pain intensely, the more the better...
and you will find your subconscious (so called but not) companion self snapping back just like uncle scrooge...

then you'll have your target set into timely action...

Happy year...