Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I don't know how... I know I do now...

Hi A fine day to view the moon & Venus = subconscious wealth....
see it tonight just after sunset to the west...

We have been sharing "Find a target...,make a plan, KIV, follow your plan."

A friend of mine Kathryn Perry has shared how she went from barely enough monthly income to 3 times what she needed...

This is a great plan
listen to her radio show interview
& read her whole story of success within -Self Reliance
in her newsletter.

HTML clipboardJanuary's Command: From Kathryn Perry

I don't know how I easily create an abundant life;
I only know I do now and I am fulfilled!

from Kathryn Perry:

HTML clipboardMany have asked what I did to go from a limited monthly income to 3 times that income the
very first month I launched out on my own. In addition to Commanding a new life
for myself, there was preparation, networking and business building skills I
developed that I 'd like to share with you now. Here are some of the high

  • While still working at my old
    job over the course of 18 months I promoted 3 classes for Asara Lovejoy.

  • Gave introduction talks in my
    area to promote Asara’s events that demonstrated The One Command
    process and charged for the events.

  • Promoted my services with a
    booth at three Holistic fairs.

  • Began building an email list. I
    started with about 300 names collected from the promotional events and

  • Set up a regular schedule for
    Commanding Wealth Circles
    which I held in my home.

  • Became a One Command

  • Offered 21 free 20 minute
    sessions to get my name known.

  • Posted the offer on a yahoo
    social networking group

  • Received over 100 responses and
    many clients as a result.

  • Met with clients weekly by phone
    or in person

  • Became certified to teach TWO

      (The One Command
      Practitioner’s Certification, and The One Day -The One Command. You can
      do the same!)

  • Paid for my training, hotel and
    airfare by PRE-SELLING the two classes that I taught.

  • Had a total of 24 sign ups for
    both of the classes at $395 per attendee - you do the math.

  • Set up a regular monthly
    rotation of classes.

  • Continued my weekly schedule for
    private sessions.

  • Sold phone sessions in small
    bundles that averaged $1 per minute then with a full roster raised my rates.

  • Explored the benefits of "meetup" and started my own group with 175 people immediately signing

OK, you can see how a solid plan was formed, each step was taken, and she has flourished all from within herself...

do read the rest of her story in her newsletter.

Polish your plan...
get some help...if you feel you need it..

Have a really great New Year - constructed by YOU !

Cherry Day

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cresent Moon & Bright Star...

Tomorrow is the Even of New Year - on our calendar...
really nothing astrological nor astronomical about it...

However we should see here in Dallas a beautiful Crescent Moon
and Bright Star = Venus really...

do look it for it just after sunset...

and appreciate the beauty....

Moon & Venus in Aquarius...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Got all the Peices?

Got your target?
Got your plan?
Got the pieces of your plan?
have you launched your plan?

KIV and go...

If not maybe you need some help...
check out the Radio Show for great interviews to help you...

All of these are covered in former post here in...
look in the archives...

If you need more on communications - like how to do it well...
check out the multi -day instructions...

Hey if nothing else give us a call...

Meditate on your right next move...

get into a comfortable position...
breath to relaxed an focused....
ask the Question - "What is my next best move?"
wait in silent focus for the answer...

it may come as a feeling, a vision, a thought, picture, or even a voice...

this way you can get all of the pieces and move ahead in strength...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Breathing the Universe...

stand with your legs about shoulder width apart...
or sit with your feet flat in a chair...
hold an imaginary soccer ball in your hands...

as you inhale feel you are breathing in the fresh universe,
maybe at sunrise, sunset or just the freshness of life...
feel this breath entering every cell of your body...
your hands are pulling apart like opening a bellows drawing in air...

Inhale = all cells inhale...

let them keep what they need, send a little along to the main battery of your body...
deep behind your navel and bit lower...

have each cell push out the waste products - back into the universe to be recycled...
as you exhale bring your hands back close together.

so your hands are moving rhythmically with your breathing and all your cells are breathing,
exhaling waste products - recycling...

your hole being begins to move, your spirit along with the body...

do this for 2 or 3 minutes, 5 or 20 enliven... enjoy the movement meditation...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

2009 Predictions...

Wow I just listened to the '2009 Predictions'

Joni has combined her dreams, observations of nature - (Omens - good & poor),

and her Astrological analysis to really put 2009 - a tough year- into perspective...

The Iodine interview just before this one really has a way to kill pathogens in our systems...

and support our long-gevity.

Even mine: Cancer Investigation interview gives the basics of health ~you may not know;
as well.

New Moon Planning today...


Smile - a little, then share the smile

drink pure water... Joni will tell you why you may want to...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Run Run Reindeer...

If me, resting today would be the best....

Many run to Macy's for their best for less...

If you run, run, run, during a regular week,

take a break today, maybe a nap...

Move a little too, rebound, slow walk or fast,
roll around on the floor ~ what ever you can do...

Maybe massage your partner, then switch...
could be lotsa fun...

with all the peace this morning
a fine time to meditate on light to the world
try a few minutes of connecting to your source,
feeling the peace, the love, then radiate this out
to the millions who hunger for it...

Lotsa Love...

Hugs and Cheers...

PS: Feeling stuffed still?
check out the enzyme power

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lighted Tree meditation...

Merry Christmas

do you love decorating?

I do, especially the tree.
I found one this year at Mikael's a $240 narrow tree in a pot for $49...
It looks so real ! I could add a bit of real pine under it for the fragrance too...

I am fortunate and so was one other person, who got the display tree...

We decorated it with love in each ornament we hung...
2 little red cardinals - 1 larger one..
Santas, reindeer, clear & colored glass balls, doves,
& I tied my first tree...

Just like I tied my first shoe... I had never tied a big bow before...
I did it I did it... Yea..simple accomplishments, can give great joy..

Now to appreciate this tree...

Tree Meditation:

I just sit in quiet or with Christmas music playing...
gazing at the tree...
Loves creeps up my spine, through my heart, in a out of my eyes...
I feel myself growing larger...
my aura expanding a little...
then exponentially...

And slips... right into meditation...
I feel as if I become the the tree
all decorated, radiating with the little lights glowing in all my cells,
my organs, all the pretty decorations...

me radiating this joy & peace to million distance friends...

Merry Christmas
Joyous Christmas

remember: Smile a little...
Share the Love....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Halo day...Hubble ~10

Merry Christmas to you and your family...

And to NASA credit be given.

May the light of the Christ surround you and yours
and radiating from with in your heart

The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope. The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are as spectacular as its appearance. It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Joining... Hubble day 9...

NASA gets the credits...

Like two space stations joining in space
or two celestial lovers:
each giving the other more light;
so 1+1= 888

Our individual consciouness joining with the Supreme Conscious I AM...

What so you see meditating on these with your inner eye open?

The Ant Nebula, a cloud of dust and gas whose technical name is Mz3, resembles an ant when observed using ground-based telescopes... The nebula lies within our galaxy between 3,000 and 6,000 light years from Earth.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Star Before them...Hubble day 8...

Credit to NASA

This one is so easy for me to meditate with...
to gaze on...
to just jump into it...
I can see why the wise men would travel great distances to follow a star....

Nebula NGC 2392, called 'Eskimo' because it looks like a face surrounded by a furry hood. The hood is, in fact, a ring of comet-shaped objects flying away from a dying star. Eskimo is 5,000 light years from Earth.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Winter Cat....

Thank you NASA for this shot of the Cats' Eye Nebula...

Happy Inspiring meditation this first day of Winter...

It is 23 degrees here in North Dallas at the Addison airpot, we have power, heat and dark blue sky is revealing only a few clouds, windy and very cold for us Southerners... This gazing to me seems like a warm woom for higher creation... Everyone brings to meditaion their own path, what do you see , feel, hear, know? as you gently gaze into this nebula... a good desciption.

how could one begin to describe this? this is real ~exissting for hundreds of millions of years, (give or take a few :-) )

I can hear the primodial sound.... AAAUUUUUMMMMMM OM...

(you like my talk on chanting)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Candle in the sky... Hubble day 6


Happy Solstice Day...
~ the Sun will turn back towards us... (in the North) 'The Promise'

NASA ... salutations to man's possibilities...

The Hourglass Nebula, 8,000 light years away, has a 'pinched-in-the-middle' look because the winds that shape it are weaker at the center.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Celestial Manger....

The Cone Nebula. The part pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon). A Celestial Manger, NASA does it again -brings us photos of creation beyond imagination...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Breathless hue.. Hubble day 4

Oh my my my....An underwater Angel to meditate with,
Hearts open...
A small region in the Swan Nebula, 5,500 light years away, described as 'a bubbly ocean of hydrogen and small amounts of oxygen, sulfur and other elements'.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Starry Starry Night....

Starry Night, so named because it reminded astronomers of the Van Gogh painting. It is a halo of light around a star in the Milky Way. Credit: NASA

All of us at the wish all of you a safe & warm Holiday Season.
After you have eaten,
after you have your heat,
Loved your kids good night...

Meditate, sharing a bit of your Love with the whole world...

Sharing ours with you...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gods Eyes?...Holy days.2

Natures best.... Amazing eyes of the Heavens...

NASA gallery

The glowing eyes from 114 million light years away are the swirling cores of two merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163 in the distant Canis Major constellation.

It appears that Raphael has been painting here before Hubble could click this one...

As we meditate during these days of the HOLY Celebrations, we add our peace to the Worlds Peace...
We ad our Joy,
our Truth,
our Knowledge, our Bliss,
our riches,
our colors
to a gray world...

As we to connect to our inner creator, our High Self, our All knowing center,
through focusing inwardly...
We bring our gifts to ad to the Global Conscious Stream around our planet...

This will have a wonderful effect,
for even a little light in great darkness
will have a wonderful effect...

Just remember: those acting from fear are in the subconscious or barely conscious mode...
those who act from LOVE and mutual support for the common good are very conscious...
As light is so much more powerful:

Share your light this day:
~ focus

Share your light in this coming year...
Happy gazing...

OM Shanti

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hubble Christmas 10 days...

HI this is the 10 days of Christmas meditation count down,
Day #1....

this is a wonderful picture to meditate on to me it appears as a large celestial butterfly...

Actually it is part of The Trifid Nebula. A 'stellar nursery', 9,000 light years from here, it is where new stars are being born.

These are part of the NASA gallery taken by the Hubble Telescope launched 18 years ago in 1990.

meditate on these images by gently gazing at them
sitting comfortably - back straight
breathing slowly & rhythmically, the amount will decrease as your concentration increases...
keep a note book near for journaling any thoughts you may have after your session...

I suggest a 20 minute session...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Point....

The Center...

Focal point...

Somethings in nature just easily draw our attention, our focus...

Great! lets use them for increasing our focus...

deepening our meditations...

Over that last several days we've had the biggest, largest moon of the year...

Did you see it? Hold in your gaze? Move it into your heart?

Did you draw it? Photograph it? Color it? Paint it?

just stand there and drop your jaw?

Or did you just watch TV?

Choice is always yours...

For those that TV wasn't an option until the moon was taken in, played with...

I would like to offer some of the most spectacular natural focusing pictures I have seen.

None before - unless they could travel in space, have seen these views of the universe, as they were collected over that about the last 10- 15 years by NASA and Hubble telescope.

A yantra is a human drawn design to meditate on to focus the mind more easily.

The Tibetans monks use colored sand to create master pieces of this kind of art.

For them the meditation is in its physical creation:

~Collecting the proper sand, texture and all...

~the careful making of the sand in all of it's colors.

~planning or mapping what the sand painting will look like...

~the placing the sand in correct areas

~and then upon completion ~ it's destruction...

some yantras are woven into beautiful tapestries...

some of these are called Tankas...

Some are painted...

We will explore the natural ones ....

for today ~ Sunday

Find some beautiful natural object - maybe a flower...
and gently gaze on this flower, permitting the mind to think anything it likes about the flower...
the fragrance, texture, shape, feel, leaning, applications, color(s) gently bring the mind

back to the focal point

the the flower...

See the Point?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Prepare the way...

HOLY Days are coming,
Eid and Hanukkah celebrated soon...
Christmas, and the Solstice are near,
All of the major cultures celebrate something this time of year...

what are you doing for these holidays?

If nothing else, make one other person a bit happier...

But first make you self happier...
so then you will have some thing to really share - YOU ! :-)

You know what makes the happiest of everything that I can do?

Connecting with my higher self, just asking for my High Self to join us here for minute or two...
(oh, yea us...? you may ask)
Me = the conscious one (most of the time anyway) the driver
Companion self ( has all the power, the emotions, memory, AKA subconscious,)
+ Companion self

However you see you self... get in alignment...connect with God , Great Spirit, Allah, what ever you may call this power,

bring the wonderful energy, love, chi, prana, knowledge, hope, Truth into and through your whole being...

Today - may be a good day to sit quietly and inwardly reflect on this connection.
Then with this connection decide how to best celebrate this Season

Cheery Connecting
Oh bubbly Joy & Bliss...

Friday, December 12, 2008

This hot ball is actually the Moon Rise over Dallas at about 5:40 Pm CST
It's a beauty to meditate on...

A better way...

Senate to Middle Class: Drop Dead
...a message from Michael Moore

I really like what Michael has to say about this issue

Let me know what you think...

Ah the Full Moon Again...

Do you feel it?

Did you practice the gazing on it last eve?  Try tonight as well -
the Moon rise this evening should be gorgeous...

I feel some of the full moons - others I don not.
some feel like hot steamy, windless summer evenings, and I hang on...

Until the relief I can feel about 2 hours after the actual full moon...

There are times when Ideas to write or do a radio show series are so strong,
the few days before a Full Moon, that when I don't act on them...
I find the drive and interest to do them wanes with the moon...

So timing is a Master key here.

If you can regroup, plan, organize, stage etc. a project during the waning fortnight of the moon.

then implement these on the rise of the moon it is easy...

But who can - with focus and intent you can KIV (KEEP IN VIEW)

most cant'... it is those few who stand out and above the rest who can...

(OK- do I have too?)
no, Paramahamsa Yogananda intentionally asked his astrologer friends to pick the worst time to start a project...
That would be the time that he began. He wanted to demonstrate his will power, Focus to do a thing...

so enjoy the moon.

Take good notes of your thoughts, observe your feelings.
Hight is about 10:30 Am this CST morning in Dallas...

Happy Holidays, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Eid or Ramadan, Solstace ~ or yours !
I Celebrate with you all...  

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Big Full Moon rise

This is Dallas moon rise at 5 PM CST...

Giant Full Moon...

Above: In 2004, Greek amateur astronomer Anthony Ayiomamitis photographed an apogee Moon and a perigee Moon, and set the images side by side to show the difference.
Full Story & Credit.

If you like look a the moon rise around sunset time tonight... This is the closest the moon will be to us this year... tomorrow night moon rise - at sunset will be a bit later and may be more beautiful...
Even at midnight the moon over head will be brighter and larger...

Full moon is in 21 Gemini and Sun in 21 Sagittarius... a good time to see farther into your path, and incorporate new pieces into your dream target...

So do see the beauty, note your dreams...
The energy begins today at noon lasts through Saturday at noon...


Simplicity is a great help...

We make things so very complicated today..

cell phone, SMS (text messaging), bills, layoffs, keeping bank records,
ballancing a check book, knowing what is wrong with our cars,
anticipating it and fixing it before it breaks down...

yea gads...

so build a little every day towards your target... your goal

do what you need to do today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

My Grandfather was an High School Automotive teacher...
My Grandmother worked in the post office.
3 girls...

They always had wonderful food on the table, all through the depression.

do you work for Enron? How would you know? 
Do you work for Toyota? or GM? 

If you do good work is your company doing the same?

you may need find a better company or do your own work...

If the service you do for others is needed, useful, practical,  consistent, and bit more...
you will always have work.

so as you work well during the day, take the time for balanced living too...


diet (air & water too)
Positive thinking and meditation....

Planning can be mediation

meditation can fill in the holes in your plan...

if you need to see someone but don't know who...

try this:

sit comfortably,
do 3 breaths

ask who do I need to see or who can help with this situation etc....

and then send the request up in a elevator in your mind or a bank case from the drive up window...

then calmly wait in silence until it comes back down to you..

Open it up  -who is there?  what is there? -- go see them....or do the thing...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Cave...

the Hide out...

it was called in the old westerns...

A good place to go when you have to think...

or if you feel crummy ...

Go hand out for a while....

this could be a room or some else's, room, a cabin
or just your bed.

keep the peace around you...

then come back stronger...

This is sort of like an exhale and relax and recharge...

Ah, a technology place are the Bose Noise canceling headphones, others make them too.

You can meditate this way as well in a little silence or with nice music...

Cheery Day...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fog Clearing...

Yellow glasses = see in foggy weather...

Yellow headlights, too.

Skiing in a blizzard? = yellow glasses....

Monday morning? (ugh, again?)

Look into the eyes of your partner, gently gaze for 4 or 5 minutes
just sitting in silence, both gazing gently...

And feel
And see

the fog clear...

You may need 20 minutes...

Focus will come gently....

No partner handy? Use a mirror...

Listen in to our shows:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Over the top...

Fill a 6 ounce glass to the brim with water.
Carrying it your hand, walk a 100 yards with out spilling a drop.

This is focus.

This is a skill.

This exercise will help to quiet the Monkey mind and show how much a Monkey it is...

Try this early in the morning on Sunday when no one else is around on a foot ball field.
Then when you think you have mastered it:
Try it during the week morning when others are around running the track, power walking etc., etc., etc....(Yule Brenner, "King & I" respected ;-) )

Then try it when the high school foot ball team and band are practicing... well I guess you'd better do it then on the sidelines...

If you get really good at it, trying riding a bike - pick a safe area, or better, walk down the midway of a County or State fair, or through a flea market... you get the idea...

Build your focus ability; this is a trainable skill, like riding a bike, flying a plane or glider.
Focus is your laser to success. Ever focused the sun's rays through a magnifying glass and started a piece of paper a flame? Warmth vs power...

In New Mexico - I think is the location- is a massive solar collector -Ah yes, see one of the James bond Movies with this too, a tower on which is focused the sun from many reflective dishes, which is used to create electricity. These dishes track the sun all day - computer controlled to keep focus on two things at the same time - the tower and the dish.

Try this water-in-glass exercise with it filled over the top:
have you heard of a meniscus? It is caused by the surface tension of water.
Cooks know that the bottom of the meniscus needs to be at the 1/2 cup mark if that is the correct measurement of the fluid to be added in the recipe.

Surface tension is a property of water that a surfactant or a "soap" is added to break this tension so that your laundry for example will be cleaned better. It is actually the water that does the cleaning - not the soap...

Keep the tension here, over fill the glass, so the water is actually over the top, and still stays in the glass... just a little over.

Now try these exercises - let me know how it goes for you...
Your focus at work and play will become 'Over the top'

Cheery Day..

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Black & yellow, Iridescent greens
and blues,

small ones, Large Ones,
pink ones too.

Red flowers, white flowers, orange ones and blue...

I love to watch the butterflies sip...
'an dip...
Don't you?

What a wonderful meditation, butterfly gazing...
but unless you live in the remote mountains of southern Mexico, and few hidden places in the out backs of the coastal mountain ranges in California -
You will need to observe these beauties in your mind...

Can you do this? See the butterflies flutter in you mind... dancing from flower to pause a bit and sip... and then to another, and more?

This is a good meditation practice...doing it inside is even more powerful than using your site.
Takes a bit more focus and gentle discipline...

Take anything you like and see it inside...

You may like to have a friend or pro who can actually see auras - observe your's while you go into this practice ~
then after you have completed this playful exercise let you know what they saw...

Play with these things. God loves to play too...

Smile a little... an share one;... too :-)

Friday, December 5, 2008


the natural vibration of the whole universe in the sound we know as 'OM'
In sanskrit which means the language of the is spelled and pronounced A U M and 'a' like father, 'u' like ummmm, 'm' like mommmm...

John begins by in the beginning was the word...
from the primal vibration comes all sound, thought, life ~ no it is life force itself or the sound of the vibrating life force...

Meditation on the sound of Bumble bee's wings or hearing OM in silence is very powerful. Some use OM on the inhale and 'MA' on the exhale.

if you use Om on both, have it flow like oil pouring gently and smoothly,
just Isak Perelman when his bow changes directions on sustained note with no perceptible sound change....

then in this continuous flow you become the universe and
Sat = existence or Truth
Chit = knowledge - primal knowledge of all things ~spontaneous knowing
Ananda = bliss - the elixir absolute... pure joy liquid flowing through all cells of your body and astral body....

Meditate some on 'OM' or 'AUM' you may like the heart center to focus this in
or some may prefer the Third eye...

When I connect my companion self and we invite our High Self to join with us there is the tingling of the spine, as it snaps straight up, and
an indecsribable joy - this i feel is Ananda = pure bliss...

It comes not from another but in another you may connect to your high Self or God as you personally have come to know this connection.

The American Indians called this Great Spirit...

"Inquire who am I
and be free...
you will soon attain immortality..."

Swami Shivananda singing...


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Interested? ...

Focus can get boring to a restless mind...

Onions, garlic, fried foods, hot spices, erotic stories etc can inflame the passions and cause the mind to wander.

Over ripe foods, decaying foods, alcohol, fermented foods (except sauerkraut & and Apple cider vinegar -both raw and unpasteurized ) can make the mind sleepy. Same with over eating.

If these are all in relative balance - if you are a hard worker eat garlic, onions, tea, hot spices and develop an interest in
passionate endeavors. Maybe Polo or horse jumping, working out, running, sex with a spiritual twist... something that will focus the mind.

When one falls in love - you don't want to eat, you can only think of the beloved ~ right !  Such powerful focus this is...
In the 'Conscious Art of Loving' the Muir s describe a life full of love focused on each other.

Maybe you want to take up archery, or martial arts, chi gong, tai chi or baseball (with out drugs).

Golf is excellent as it is all about focus...

Perhaps you would enjoy the fine art of perfumery, or flower arraigning.

As you gain some mastery of your main goal, that you are on the journey of creating now, add some more interests

things that do just that keep your:

(this advise is not the same one living in retreat, meditating and not working - different instructions are needed here)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Living the Dream...

Since there is only 'NOW',

& Your Dream you are traveling towards,
is the journey creating this beauty, this Dream.

You are 'there' ~ right now...

The Journey of creating the Dream is part of the Dream...

(many miss this point- it is mega misunderstood- I think that TV ads of a new pain and its relief in 30 seconds misleads on this point) (( I mean, it did take the almighty 6 whole days - she was so worn out she had to rest for a full day :-) ))

There may be unexpected rocks or boulders or even mountains & planets on along the way (Lions & Tigers & Bears...)
~~causing new strategies and employing new methods and plans to "go where no man has gone before"...

This is all part of your dream - may be just unplanned for;

OK, So just re set up your plan --
If you fall down, get up - great secrete of life...

The plan is not the DREAM- but part of it.

Mysterious Un planned help will show up from time to time as well...

When you set a dream on paper, put your thoughts and energy into it; you energize it.

(Did you know that you are required to energize the money that is printed by the USA government - or its hirees? Yep, it isn't negotiable until you - a citizen, touches it
- that is why the huge national debt exists - they print it and you have to accept it as real before it is real so if you, by proxy, accept the debt it is real...)

When you activate your dream, and get others (only appropriate ones who will support you in its creation) to see it and set their energy into your Dream...
Telepathically it goes out to the universe.

And the universe responds...

I set a dream a motion to live in a certain Condo society on a certain street in Dallas.
Every time I drove by there for about 11 years I saw myself living there.

Now, through a long series of events, like relationship changes, financial changes etc., etc, I do live there... I didn't even set a plan, just the intention and the energy.

Wow what would have happened if I had put in a plan into action?

So be open for surprises... some welcome, some not so...

Remember to take the time to enjoy your Dream as you are living it already-

as You are Living the Dream... (right... now)

oh yea one more little bitty thingy:
if you haven't activated your Dream Only wishing for it....
guess what???????

You're living in your Dream as well ... just in the failed to plan stage...
You can change this...

More soon ~

Ah heck -- when you do finish creating one Dream , & its all built?
what do you do?

Create another Dream ! Activate it and begin its creation journey...
the journey is part of the Dream...

Cheery Day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


the natural vibration of the whole universe in the sound we know as 'OM'
In sanskrit which means the language of the is spelled and pronounced A U M and 'a' like father, 'u' like ummmm, 'm' like mommmm...

John begins by in the beginning was the word...
from the primal vibration comes all sound, thought, life ~ no it is life force itself or the sound of the vibrating life force...

Meditation on the sound of Bumble bee's wings or hearing OM in silence is very powerful.  Some use OM on the inhale and 'MA' on the exhale.

if you use Om on both, have it flow like oil pouring gently and smoothly,
just Isak Perelman when his bow changes directions on sustained note with no perceptible sound change....

then in this continuous flow you become the universe and
Sat = existence or Truth
Chit = knowledge - primal knowledge of all things ~spontaneous knowing
Ananda = bliss - the elixir absolute... pure joy liquid flowing through all cells of your body and astral body....

Meditate some on 'OM' or 'AUM'  you may like the heart center to focus this in
or some may prefer the Third eye...

When I connect my companion self and we invite our High Self to join with us there is the tingling of the spine, as it snaps straight up, and
an indecsribable joy - this i feel is Ananda = pure bliss...

It comes not from another but in another you may connect to your high Self or God as you personally have come to know this connection.

The American Indians called this Great Spirit...

"Inquire who am I
and be free...
you will soon attain immortality..."

Swami Shivananda singing...



the natural vibration of the whole universe in the sound we know as 'OM'
In sanskrit which means the language of the is spelled and pronounced A U M and 'a' like father, 'u' like ummmm, 'm' like mommmm...

John begins by in the beginning was the word...
from the primal vibration comes all sound, thought, life ~ no it is life force itself or the sound of the vibrating life force...

Meditation on the sound of Bumble bee's wings or hearing OM in silence is very powerful. Some use OM on the inhale and 'MA' on the exhale.

if you use Om on both, have it flow like oil pouring gently and smoothly,
just Isak Perelman when his bow changes directions on sustained note with no perceptible sound change....

then in this continuous flow you become the universe and
Sat = existence or Truth
Chit = knowledge - primal knowledge of all things ~spontaneous knowing
Ananda = bliss - the elixir absolute... pure joy liquid flowing through all cells of your body and astral body....

Meditate some on 'OM' or 'AUM' you may like the heart center to focus this in
or some may prefer the Third eye...

When I connect my companion self and we invite our High Self to join with us there is the tingling of the spine, as it snaps straight up, and
an indecsribable joy - this i feel is Ananda = pure bliss...

It comes not from another but in another you may connect to your high Self or God as you personally have come to know this connection.

The American Indians called this Great Spirit...

"Inquire who am I
and be free...
you will soon attain immortality..."

Swami Shivananda singing...


Sometimes Beauty...

Is right in front of you:

Meditation on this flower
would be easy, for me...

Do you have a favorite one?

You may like to use one for gazing and meditation...
Just keep your mind gently on any detail of the flower... the colors, the fragrance, the lighting, and so on...

Keep on enjoying the flower and the unexpected beauty around us...

Cheery day..

Monday, December 1, 2008

Natural Beauty....

Moon, with Venus and Jupiter:

all around the world people were watching this today...

It is amazing how marvelous nature is and the site is both inspiring, meditative...

here's a view earlier this evening from my place: