stand with your legs about shoulder width apart...
or sit with your feet flat in a chair...
hold an imaginary soccer ball in your hands...
as you inhale feel you are breathing in the fresh universe,
maybe at sunrise, sunset or just the freshness of life...
feel this breath entering every cell of your body...
your hands are pulling apart like opening a bellows drawing in air...
Inhale = all cells inhale...
let them keep what they need, send a little along to the main battery of your body...
deep behind your navel and bit lower...
have each cell push out the waste products - back into the universe to be recycled...
as you exhale bring your hands back close together.
so your hands are moving rhythmically with your breathing and all your cells are breathing,
exhaling waste products - recycling...
your hole being begins to move, your spirit along with the body...
do this for 2 or 3 minutes, 5 or 20 enliven... enjoy the movement meditation...
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago
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