The Center...
Focal point...
Somethings in nature just easily draw our attention, our focus...
Great! lets use them for increasing our focus...
deepening our meditations...
Over that last several days we've had the biggest, largest moon of the year...
Did you see it? Hold in your gaze? Move it into your heart?
Did you draw it? Photograph it? Color it? Paint it?
just stand there and drop your jaw?
Or did you just watch TV?
Choice is always yours...
For those that TV wasn't an option until the moon was taken in, played with...
I would like to offer some of the most spectacular natural focusing pictures I have seen.
None before - unless they could travel in space, have seen these views of the universe, as they were collected over that about the last 10- 15 years by NASA and Hubble telescope.
A yantra is a human drawn design to meditate on to focus the mind more easily.
The Tibetans monks use colored sand to create master pieces of this kind of art.
For them the meditation is in its physical creation:
~Collecting the proper sand, texture and all...
~the careful making of the sand in all of it's colors.
~planning or mapping what the sand painting will look like...
~the placing the sand in correct areas
~and then upon completion ~ it's destruction...
some yantras are woven into beautiful tapestries...
some of these are called Tankas...
Some are painted...
We will explore the natural ones ....
for today ~ Sunday
Find some beautiful natural object - maybe a flower...
and gently gaze on this flower, permitting the mind to think anything it likes about the flower...
the fragrance, texture, shape, feel, leaning, applications, color(s) gently bring the mind
back to the focal point
the the flower...
See the Point?
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