Since there is only 'NOW',
& Your Dream you are traveling towards,
is the journey creating this beauty, this Dream.
You are 'there' ~ right now...
The Journey of creating the Dream is part of the Dream...
(many miss this point- it is mega misunderstood- I think that TV ads of a new pain and its relief in 30 seconds misleads on this point) (( I mean, it did take the almighty 6 whole days - she was so worn out she had to rest for a full day :-) ))
There may be unexpected rocks or boulders or even mountains & planets on along the way (Lions & Tigers & Bears...)
~~causing new strategies and employing new methods and plans to "go where no man has gone before"...
This is all part of your dream - may be just unplanned for;
OK, So just re set up your plan --
If you fall down, get up - great secrete of life...
The plan is not the DREAM- but part of it.
Mysterious Un planned help will show up from time to time as well...
When you set a dream on paper, put your thoughts and energy into it; you energize it.
(Did you know that you are required to energize the money that is printed by the USA government - or its hirees? Yep, it isn't negotiable until you - a citizen, touches it
- that is why the huge national debt exists - they print it and you have to accept it as real before it is real so if you, by proxy, accept the debt it is real...)
When you activate your dream, and get others (only appropriate ones who will support you in its creation) to see it and set their energy into your Dream...
Telepathically it goes out to the universe.
And the universe responds...
I set a dream a motion to live in a certain Condo society on a certain street in Dallas.
Every time I drove by there for about 11 years I saw myself living there.
Now, through a long series of events, like relationship changes, financial changes etc., etc, I do live there... I didn't even set a plan, just the intention and the energy.
Wow what would have happened if I had put in a plan into action?
So be open for surprises... some welcome, some not so...
Remember to take the time to enjoy your Dream as you are living it already-
as You are Living the Dream... (right... now)
oh yea one more little bitty thingy:
if you haven't activated your Dream Only wishing for it....
guess what???????
You're living in your Dream as well ... just in the failed to plan stage...
You can change this...
More soon ~
Ah heck -- when you do finish creating one Dream , & its all built?
what do you do?
Create another Dream ! Activate it and begin its creation journey...
the journey is part of the Dream...
Cheery Day.
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago
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