the natural vibration of the whole universe in the sound we know as 'OM'
In sanskrit which means the language of the is spelled and pronounced A U M and 'a' like father, 'u' like ummmm, 'm' like mommmm...
John begins by in the beginning was the word...
from the primal vibration comes all sound, thought, life ~ no it is life force itself or the sound of the vibrating life force...
Meditation on the sound of Bumble bee's wings or hearing OM in silence is very powerful. Some use OM on the inhale and 'MA' on the exhale.
if you use Om on both, have it flow like oil pouring gently and smoothly,
just Isak Perelman when his bow changes directions on sustained note with no perceptible sound change....
then in this continuous flow you become the universe and
Sat = existence or Truth
Chit = knowledge - primal knowledge of all things ~spontaneous knowing
Ananda = bliss - the elixir absolute... pure joy liquid flowing through all cells of your body and astral body....
Meditate some on 'OM' or 'AUM' you may like the heart center to focus this in
or some may prefer the Third eye...
When I connect my companion self and we invite our High Self to join with us there is the tingling of the spine, as it snaps straight up, and
an indecsribable joy - this i feel is Ananda = pure bliss...
It comes not from another but in another you may connect to your high Self or God as you personally have come to know this connection.
The American Indians called this Great Spirit...
"Inquire who am I
and be free...
you will soon attain immortality..."
Swami Shivananda singing...
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago
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