WEAK IMPACT, NICE AURORAS: A minor CME hit Earth's magnetic field on July 9th at approximately 20:30 UT. The impact was weak, and at first had little effect, but in the hours following the strike a geomagnetic storm developed. At its peak during the early hours of July 10th, the G1-class storm produced auroras in northern-tier US states from Wisconsin to Washington. Jim Reitz sends this picture from Rattlesnake Lake, about 30 miles east of Seattle:
(from: http://spaceweather.com/)
The storm is subsiding now, but the aurora watch is not over. Solar wind conditions continue to favor Northern and Southern lights at high latitudes. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on July 10th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
The Ranch in Irving
14 years ago