As a Monk Studing under the Swami Shivananda Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy in the 70's, I learned that Pracical Yoga - led to esoteric yogas such as Kundaline Yoga, automatically. Swamiji taught us 'Broom Sadhana' and KIV... KIV is the solution for the most deadly disease of life on earth -"veering disease" ... KIV = Keep In View = Keep your goal infront of you all the time and practice the middle path, do a little of many things daily; you will attain the outcome you seek. ~ The eye of the tiger is focus.
Loved to teach yoga & meditation in the 70's
across N America.
~ left to pursue a vision I had durring a fast.
Became an Cat Insurance Adjuster - for things like Katrina..
Love to practice Chi Gung, teach it and do Chi Gung energizing (helps the body heal itself when the energy flows well). Let me know how this blog may help or inspire you...